Monday, March 4, 2013

Introducing Langston Hughes

While i was getting into the research of the modernist i chose, i found five facets that stood out to me that i would like to share with you all. So sit back, relax and enjoy my marvelous list. 

Facts about Langston Hughes: 

 Hughes poetic interest began after the death of his grandmother who raised him after his parents seperated after birth and were not around enough to take care of him. Hughes then moved back in with his mother where they moved from several different cities before settling in Ohio.

I listed this fact because i feel that this struggle with his family was what brought him into poetry, though i cannot find information to verify it, if feel it inspired his earlier writing.

 Hughes was a regular contributor to his high school literary magazine and submitted to other poetry magazines regardless of the fact they would reject his work.

I found this interesting, people refused to accept and read his work but he didn't let that slow him down or hold him back. He made an effort to continue doing what he loved even if others hated it.

 He traveled to Africa, Spain and Paris to help develop his poetry.

Considering the fact i find interest in the culinary arts i feel that this is important. They say great chefs gain their greatness from the experiences they discover, normally by traveling the world. Hughes traveled various part of the world as well. Do you think this contributed to the quality of his work?

 While working as a busboy at a D.C. hotel restaurant, he met American poet Vachel Lindsay. He introduced his work to the poet and as a result he promoted Hughes poetry to a wider audience. Because of this, his poem "The Weary Blues" won first prize in Opportunity magazine and was granted a full scholarship to Lincoln University in Pennsylvania.

Funny how you never know who and where you'll run into people. Who would have thought busing tables at a hotel would be the beginning of Hughes big break?

Hughes home in Harlem became New York City Landmark status after his death in 1981 and his works are now translated and published all throughout the world.

He was raised in a time were Blacks were not considered to be equal and were once looked down upon, now his work his praised and studied all though out the globe. Now THAT is an achievement!

~That concludes my facts on Langston Hughes. Thanks for stopping by!

                                       - Jasmine Beebe  

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