Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Joe College.!

So i'm not entirely sure why the title is "Joe college." Maybe it's a joke where "joe" stands for "yo" and its sayin 'YO COLLEGE.!" Bad joke? Yeah...i thought you guys might feel that way.

Aside from the bad jokes and confusion, Let's talk about college!!

What Campuses interest you?
I don't have too many colleges in mind at the moment. For now my goal is to start hancock senior year and finish as soon as possible. I feel that junior colleges not only help save money, but they help prep students for the college life and also give them a chance to see if college is right for them. Some Universities i want to transfer to are :

*Cal State Northridge/ LA/ Long Beach/Dominguez Hills
*San Jose State
*Loyola Marymount

Besides those, I'm still searching and researching colleges in California that spark interest.

What fields interest you?
If you're a frequent visitor of my blog you know that i'm still figuring myself out. As much as i'd love to have an idea on why i want to go to college and what i want to do, i don't. Whenever i begin to think of what i like or what i want to do i get overwhelmed from the hardcore searching i do to figure it out. Hobbies like cooking and dancing interest me, but i don't intend to pay money to turn them into a profession, so i plan to keep searching for a career i can pursue by receiving a college education.

What challenges and opportunities do you foresee in the process of planning life after high school?
Challenges? I'd have to say the biggest challenge i would have to overcome after high school is myself, figuring out who i am and what's my purpose. I tend to over analyze and look into things that i want to learn and in the end i find myself even more lost than before. I have no doubt i can successfully make it through my college years without any major problems, maybe a few financial troubles here and there, but for the most part ill just have to defeat myself. I feel a lot of opportunities will be coming for me after high school. New experiences and people, it might help me figure out what i want to do so i can plan out how i want to do it.

There are many questions i have about college and my future but i honestly feel that in the end i will rise transcend above even my own expectations and become something great. Hell, who knows! I just might major in the culinary arts and become the next Betty Crocker! ;-)

Thanks again for stopping by on my blog guys! It's much appreciated. 

1 comment:

  1. I'd like to start off by saying Thank You for stopping by to read my post. College is one of my main goals as a Junior in High School. I constantly find myself on the computer researching and browsing through different College websites and Career Majors with my free time. Education isn't always easy to acquire and understand but with the right mindset and a little elbow grease, you can end up finding someone within yourself who you never knew existed in the first place!Education is knowledge and knowledge is power, why not put your best foot forward in gaining it?

    Thanks again for the comment.
