Tuesday, April 30, 2013


Chapter 4:
On the night of Billys daughters wedding night, Billy can't sleep because he is aware he is going to be abducted again by the Tralfalmadorians. He asks why he's being abducted and the aliens explain their is no reasoning why.( This scene reminds me of the movie Dark Skies, it was a movie about Aliens called the greys abducting random humans for no reason. Great movie, highly recommend it by the way.) Billy ends up time traveling back to the war then time travels again back to his childhood.

Chapter 5:
In this chapter, Billy goes back to his childhood again but later ends up back in the war where he is welcomed by some British soldiers. After they realize how pathetic Billy's war group is he time travels to a mental hospital then back to Tralfalmadore. Billy also travels to his wedding night and back to the war where he encounters Kurt Vonnegut. (The rest of the chapter is a little blurry and awkward from then on . .)

Chapter 6:
This chapter is still in the progress of being understood. . .

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