Monday, February 18, 2013

I am here. .

Do you ever feel as if the only person that notices your existence is you? Like life is lost and and it's taken you with it? Wanting to run up to someone, waving and jumping around screaming "HERE I AM! I'M RIGHT HERE!"? Those feelings your body tries so hard to solve but deep down you feel like that puzzle is only but a sweet nothing of your wildest dreams and fantasies. .

Most people do feel lost and hopeless and many more will find themselves giving up on themselves. This course has helped me a lot. I haven't figured out much but i'm slowly able to piece together who i am and who i want to be. I feel as if I've done pretty well in the first grading period of this semester so far, but i also know i can do so much better. I know that mentally i am capable of a lot of things but i just need to be able to carry it out physically. Physically the educational "fire" i had when i started this course is beginning to get run down by just life in general so i hope i can manage to rekindle it while I'm still ahead of the game. My SMART goal. . . hasn't really made much progress. As much as i know i want to go to college what i plan on achieving by going there is still a blur. My SMART goal was to help people get a better understanding of scholarships while i taught myself more about them but i don't even know what i want to do with myself after i graduate high school besides moving out and trying to create a better future for myself. There are so many things to do in this world and so many things people can make money off of, but when it comes to myself i feel lost and clueless. I guess it's going to be hard to figure out my future until I've figured out who i am today. Sometimes i even feel as if people know me better than i know myself. Before my SMART goal can be achieved i have to find myself so i can help others do the same.

So. . where are you?

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